
Grade Six Content

Math-U-See: Zeta

Small to large numbers (thousandths to billions):

Lesson 2: Place Value with Expanded and Exponential Notation

Lesson 3: Decimal Numbers with Expanded Notation

Multiplication and division facts to 100 (developing computational fluency):

Lesson 9: Multiply Decimals by 1/10 or .1

Lesson 10: Multiply Decimals by 1/100 Or .01

Lesson 14: Multiply All Decimals

Improper fractions and mixed numbers (ordering whole numbers, fractional numbers, proper and improper fractions):

Lesson 23: Transform any Fraction to a Decimal and a Percent

Whole-number percents and percentage discounts:

Lesson 11: Finding a Percent of a Number

Lesson 12: Finding a Percent > 100%

Lesson 13: Reading Percents in a Pie Graph

Lesson 17: Dividing a Decimal by a Whole Number

Lesson 18: Dividing a Whole Number by a Decimal

Multiplication and division of decimals:

Lesson 9: Multiply Decimals by 1/10 or .1

Lesson 10: Multiply Decimals by 1/100 Or .01

Lesson 14: Multiply All Decimals

Increasing and decreasing patterns, using expressions, tables, and graphs as functional relationships:

Lesson 1: Expressions

Lesson 25: Mean, Median, and Mode

One-step equations with whole-number coefficients and solutions:

Lesson 19: Solving for an Unknown

Lesson 22: More Solving for an Unknown

Angle measurement and classification:

Lesson 27: Points, Lines, Rays, and Line Segments Line Segments

Lesson 28: Plane and Symbols

Lesson 29: Angles

Lesson 30: Types of Angles

Volume and capacity:

Lesson 6: Metric System Origin, Meter, Liter, Gram and Greek Prefixes

Lesson 7: Metric System, Latin Prefixes

Lesson 8: Metric System Conversions Part 1

Lesson 15: Metric System Conversions Part 2

Single-outcome probability, both theoretical and experimental:

Lesson 26: Probability

Curricular Competencies