RightStart Math

Grade Three Content

RightStart Math Level B 1st Edition

Content is fully covered

  • Skip-counting is related to multiplication. – Skip counting is introduced using the abacus and practiced by playing games such as “Multiples Memory” (level B/lesson 85)
  • Understanding the importance of 0 as a placeholder (e.g., in the number 408, the zero indicates that there are 0 tens) – Knows 37 as 3-ten 7. Knows traditional names ie 18 as eighteen as well as 1-ten 8. Can trade 10ones for 1 ten. Can trade 10 tens for 1 hundred. Can trade 10-hundreds for 1 thousand.
  • Can read four-place numbers.

Content is fully covered

  • Can divide objects/sets into halves and fourths. Knows unit fractions up to 1/10.

Content is fully covered

  • The student understands addition as combining parts to form a whole. Can add four digit numbers. Uses an abacus for adding larger numbers and learned to complete these computations just on paper, too.

Content is fully covered

  • In addition to working towards mastery of the addition facts, students learn to partition numbers into three parts and practice adding more than two addends for several lessons and play games such as “Rows and Columns.” Subtraction is taught and practiced from Lesson 93 onward. ALSO – Mental computation of two 2-digit numbers is studied – “add the tens and then add the ones” – students practice this daily in Levels B and C. Additional strategies are taught and the student is asked to use the one they find the most useful. Once it is taught, the addition of two-digit numbers is practiced daily in the oral warm-up exercises.
  • At the end of Grade 3, most students should be able to recall addition facts to 20. – Level B/lesson 93 – blatant comparison
  • Practice Sheets are used to master the addition facts to 20 and it is emphasized that the student must use the strategies to find the answer – never counting.

Content is partially covered:

  • Skip counting is introduced and practiced in Level B using skip counting on the abacus and with “Multiples Memory” or “On the Number”
  • Level B Lesson 105 – Halves and fourths are introduced through the dividing process – activities in this lesson involve solving a math problem where the concept of dividing is introduced along with the division symbol (with support from a teacher).

More on this topic is covered in Level C

Content is fully covered

  • Level B lessons 83-84 explicitly teach continuing patterns and continuing up and down and determining what the difference is… Use of calculator to count up and count down is taught.
  • Lessons 1-7 requires the student to study quantity using sounds (taps) and actions. Student is frequently asked to study a pattern (20,30,40__/coloured tiles__/geoboard patterns) and continue it. Many lessons after these go back to patterning concept and practice again and again.

Content is fully covered

  • Addition equations with an unknown number are practiced throughout level B. Subtraction with an unknown is taught starting in lesson 94 and reviewed frequently thereafter.
  • Students know even numbers to 20 and odd numbers to 19 and study patterns in these sets throughout the program. Explicitly taught even-odd adding rules and to use the rules to find addition mistakes in lesson 82.

Content is partially covered:

Level B – Lesson 86 – experimenting with water and glasses to see how much glasses hold and estimating capacity.

  • Linear measurement using inches – finding the perimeter and showing solutions for work – discussion of the need for different sized units for measuring different sized objects (and activities to demonstrate). Metric is taught in Level C.
  • Students learn to find the perimeter and are taught to show work (write out the solution). Taught the term “diagonal.” Lessons 97-101.
  • Area is taught in Level C.
  • Volume is studied more formally in Level D.

Content is fully covered

  • Level B teaches telling time to the minute, the months of the year and it also teaches how many days in each month using a rhyme.
    solving problems which involve relating: minutes, hours, and how many hours in a day and how many months/days in a year
  • Level B teaches telling time to the minute.

Content is fully covered

  • Taught the terms vertex and diagonal. Planning and colouring designs in pentagons and hexagons. Learn to use a ruler to draw straight lines. Lesson 65.
  • Geometric solids are studied and named in Level A. Many shapes are studied/compared for similarities and differences throughout level B and reviewed to the point of mastery, such as: rectangles, squares, quadrilaterals, triangles, hexagons, pentagons. Students also learn the terms parallel and perpendicular and review these frequently. Determining the number of cubes in a picture/constructing arrays of cubes from a 2D picture. Lesson 74
  • Mirror symmetry with letters, numbers and tiles and blocks – learn the term “reflection.” lesson 67-68. Symmetry with geoboards lesson70-71. Folding paper symmetry and flipping vertically and horizontally- lesson 72.

Comparing 3D shapes (e.g., How are rectangular prisms and cubes the same or different?) – Taught in Level A. 

Content is partially covered:

  • Pennies, nickels and dimes and quarters are studied in Level B. Students are expected to be able to determine the value of three coins. Making change is taught and practiced extensively.